M. Muresu, Il monachesimo athonita dalle prime forme anacoretiche alle riforme di S. Atanasio (IX-X secolo)

Il monachesimo athonita dalle prime forme anacoretiche alle riforme di S. Atanasio (IX-X secolo), in Theologica&Historica. Annali della Pontificia Facoltà Teologica della Sardegna, XXII (2013), pp. 325-358.
The peninsula of Athos, administratively belonging to Halkidiki Prefecture (Greece), had preserved for over a millennium an autochthonous monastic tradition, settled on eremitic shape and then developed by centuries until the constitution of a Monastic Republic. A rich list of architectural, artistic, archaeological and historical evidences were preserved during Athos’ existence by protection offered by Byzantine Emperors and the role of Athos itself as the main sanctuary of the Christian Orthodox Church. This paper aims to focus on the development of Athonite Monastic Tradition, from its first assets to the important reform by St. Athanasius of Megisti Lavra, between the Xth and XIth centuries.